

Office of the Department and its Assistant Office: –

The Health Department, Haryana is guided by WHO definition of health, which states that “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, not just lack of illness or weakness.

The Haryana Government is committed to providing quality health care to all its citizens. The Health Department is constantly upgrading itself in the form of infrastructure, human resources, drugs, equipment etc. The Haryana Health Department is responding to the needs of the population of all categories, including infants, children, adolescents, mothers, qualified couples, and others in addition to the elderly. Along with the sick and traumatic victims, there is an ongoing effort to keep communicable and non-communicable diseases in check and keep a strong system of recording, reporting, evaluation and planning.

The purpose of the departments is to improve the quality of life of people by providing better health services. The Health Department, in Haryana, is trying to help people improve their productivity and reduce the risk of diseases and injuries in a cost-effective manner. The department is guided by the World Health Organization’s World Health Organization’s principle “to ensure that all people receive necessary promotions, preventive, diseased and rehabilitation health services, and also ensure that all these services There is no financial difficulty in paying ”

The important work of the department is to provide all reasonable, accessible, equitable, quality health services, which has not burdened the general person’s pocket expenses.

Civil Surgeon: –

Civil Surgeon is head of the health services of the district and the DG is responsible for health care. He supervises the administration of employees of all categories working under his control and fulfills various health plans and provides preventive, promotional and diseased services to the general public in his district.

Principal Medical Officer / Medical Superintendent: –

Principal Medical Officer / Medical Superintendent is in charge of Civil Hospital and is concerned about day-to-day activities of the hospital. The PMO / MS reports the civil surgeon for further necessary action.

Senior Medical Officer: –

The Community Health Center is in charge and it is related to day-to-day activities of the Community Health Center. Senior medical officers report the civil surgeon for further necessary action.

Medical officer :-

The primary health center and sub-health centers are under the charge of PHC and those PHCs are related to day-to-day activities of primary health centers and sub-health centers. Medical officers report to the senior medical officer in charge of their respective community centers.

Landline number:

Civil Surgeon, Narnaul                                                     01282-251237
General Hospital, Narnaul                                               01282-251236
SDH, Mahendragarh                                                          01285-220292

Support Line Number:

Helpline number                                                                    108
Ambulance Services                                                             7027 8561 02